How to: Turn PDFs into Templates

Optimizing notes with pdf templates

In the newest Beta 2.8.23, Ratta has added the ability to use PDFs as a template.

With this update I can now link my planner of choice to my notebook. As well as using one of the pages in my planner as a template.

  1. Export the PDF file (planner)

  2. Move the exported PDF into MyStyle Folder

    1. This may take a while depending on how big the PDF file is

  3. Open the notebook you plan to use

  4. Click on the 3 dots above

  5. Click on Templates

  6. Select the PDF (planner)

    1. Select the page you want to use as a template

    *Bonus- Inserting a link to the page template

Planners: MDO Planner 2023 and ENotebook’s Supernote Toolkit

Disclaimer: Install the Beta at your own risk