What adventures mean to me?
You know for a long time I struggled to answer that question but I think I finally have my answer.
What the branches won't do, the leaves will. There are 4 parts of a tree : Roots, Trunk, Branches and Leaves. Each part represents a generation. Not one part is more important than the other individually but collectively important as a whole.
The first adventure my family has ever embarked on was immigrating to the States. At that time, my great grandparents were the Roots, my grandparents were the trunk, my parents the branches and the leaves were my sister and I.
All my grandparents at that time spoke of the sacrifices they endured to get their " tree" to where they needed to be. My grandmother would tell me about how poor they were and they couldn't afford to buy meat so they would eat leaves and vegetables for dinner. My mom told me of times when they went to bed hungry. As a child I could never fully grasp the scope of their sacrifices because my parents made sure we never went to bed hungry. It wasn't until I was old enough to travel back home and see where my grandparents and parents grew up in that I understood. And the 1st time the great shift in roles when my grandparents joined my great grandparents back to the earth as the roots. Essentially changing the roles of my parents as the trunk and my sister and I as the branches.
This is what adventure means to me. To consistently push the boundaries of limitations for growth just as my grandparents and parents did before me. My grandparents never really traveled so they made sure we certainly did. There will be a day when these roles will shift once again. When that day comes I want to make sure the next generation after me, their tree will be the one that touches the moon.